You can download my full CV, or check out my publications below
Journal Articles:
2022. Getting Real about Taxes: Offshore tax sheltering and realism’s ethic of responsibility (with. Arlen G.) Ethics & International Affairs. (H-I 46). (open access)
2021. The Sources of Political Normativity: The case for instrumental and epistemic normativity in political realism (with Destri, C.) Ethical Theory & Moral Practice. (H-I 26, cited by 8). (open access)
2020. Political Normativity and the Functional Autonomy of Politics. European Journal of Political Theory. (H-I 30, cited by 19). (open access)
2020. Norms from Nature: Etiological functions as normative standards. Phenomenology and Mind, 17, 188-197. (H-I 2, cited by 1). (open access)
2019. A Realistic Conception of Politics: Conflict, order and political realism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. (H-I 19, cited by 9). (open access)
2019. Cross-national Solidarity and Political Sustainability in the EU after the Crisis (with Ferrera, M.). In: Journal of Common Market Studies, 57(1), 94-110. (H-I 90, cited by 43). (open access)
2019. The Good and the Best: Being realistic about social change. Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society, 152-157. (H-I 1). (open access)
2018. Solidarity, Stability and Enlightened Self-Interest in the EU. In: Politiche Sociali / Social Policies, 3, 449-464. (H-I 5, cited by 6). (open access)
2018. Subjectivity is Objective: Thomas Hobbes on Normative Truths. In: Notizie di Politeia, XXXIV, 129, 98-113. (H-I 5, cited by 3). (open access)
2016. Realistic Solidarity for the Real EU. In: REScEU Project Working Paper series, 11, 1-31. (Cited by 3) (open access)
2016. Verso una Concezione Realistica della Politica. In: Biblioteca della Libertà, LI 216, 2016, 23-47. (Cited by 1). (open access)
2020. Realtà Necessità Conflitto: Il realismo in filosofia politica. Milano: Carocci.
2010. E fu lo Stato: Hobbes e il dilemma che imprigiona. Milano: Mimesis.
2022. Editorial ‘Political Normativity. Critical Essays on the Autonomy of the Political’ (with Cozzaglio, I., Destri, C., Favara, G.). Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10677-022-10315-7
2022. The Solidarity Deficit of the EU: A missing functional value (with Donati N.). In: European Solidarity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Eds. Quenivet, N. Tava, F.. ECPR Press.
2022. L’etica della necessità – I quattro pilastri del realismo politico. In. Ed. Palano D., Milano: Mimesis.
2022. Realismo político. In: Manual de filosofia política. Ed. Rosas, J. C. Coimbra: Almedina.
2022. Il Moralismo e la Degenerazione del Dibattito Pubblico Contemporaneo. In: A New Deal. Eds. (Bistagnino, G., Pasquali, F.)
2022. Il valore della solidarietà per un’Unione Europea funzionale, (with Donati, N.). Rivista Centro Studi Europei.
2021. Una politica che funzioni: Il monopolio del potere come funzione realista della politica. In:
Potere, autorità e libertà. Ed. Petrucciani S. Milano: Mimesis.
2020. The Environmental Crisis and its Injustice (with. Pala, D.). In: ‘Ethics of the Environmental Crisis’ (eds. Burelli, C., Pala, D.). Rivista di Estetica.(cited by 1) (open access)
2018. Re-solidarizing Europe and Defusing the Crisis. In: Responses of European Economic Cultures to Europe’s Crisis Politics: The Example of German-Italian Discrepancies. Eds. Hien, J and Joerges, C. (Florence: Robert Schumann Center EUI), 263-268. (open access)
2017. No Rest for the Wicked. Political Realism and the Inevitability of Conflict. In: LPF Annals 2017. Eds. Ferrera M., Jessoula M., Magni B., 226-247. (open access)
2015. Lex Facit Veritatem. In: Filosofia, Verità e Politica. Questioni classiche, Eds. Besussi, A. (Roma. Carocci), 33-46. (open access)
Edited Volumes:
2022. Special issue: Political Normativity Critical essays on the autonomy of the political (with Cozzaglio, I., Destri, C., Favara, F.). In: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
2020. Special issue: Ethics of the Environmental Crisis (with. Pala, D.). In: Rivista di Estetica. (open access)
2020. Bartolini: The Political. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. (open access)
2019. Ingannare sé stessi per fuorviare il cittadino. (Review Article). In: Biblioteca della Libertà, LIV (224), 97-108. (open access)
2018. Comments and Responses to Tamar Meisels’ “Targeted Killing with Drones? (et Al.). In: Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society, 29 (1), 1-152. (open access)
2017. Solidarity, Diversity and the Future of Liberal Societies (Review Article). In: Biblioteca della Libertà, LII (219), 109-120. (open access)
2016. Middelaar: A passage to Europe. Euvisions. (open access)